Thursday, December 05, 2013

Alta snow board team. NO FUN NO SNOWBOARDING

I posted this already but I wanted to put up a better image.
custom top-sheet for my buddy Captain of the AST

Alta snow board Team - (AST)

Friday, June 28, 2013

THE TRUTH - / "ZOMBIE tar pit"

I did this illustration for "The Truth" the anti teen smoking campaign.   They are currently holding a contest on to make the grosses monster.    I hope i make at least top 40

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I did this Illustration for the good people of Bluntsticks a super cool non profit organization aimed to help the less fortunate.


  it's a blunt that morphs into an African tree. .

 "Bluntsticks aim is to create quality apparel. It is through the Bluntsticks casual apparel line that we will provide for those less fortunate, by supporting our annual projects. Bluntsticks is based on love and life, using our "positive living" theme to spread the word. The clothing line will create the visual and allow all of those interested in this way of life an avenue of expression." 

Twin peaks Mural--

Over the past couple of weeks I have been painting this crazy mural at Twin Peaks rental and repairs.  This is an amazing shop here at the mouth of big and little cottonwood canyon Utah.    My friend Michael Klippert came by to take some work in progress shots.  here's a few he took,  go see the rest at

Friday, May 17, 2013

Albert Einstein -- in copper

Here's a step out of the ordinary for me,  I did this all copper tones at a friends request!  enjoy he's supper shiny!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 I painted this for my friend Kevin who's also an amazing guitarist. Hendrix RULES! 
thanks for being my best man.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

I recently was invited to be one of the headlining artists at SLC's chromotose3 it was a super fun DJ set and a lot of positive feed back and great exposure.  As a result I now have a lot of rolled canvas and paper prints for sale too!

ps: My square came in the mail today.  SO if you missed out on a purchase.   I can now accept credit card forms of payment. :)

Thursday, February 07, 2013

space monsters #skitopsheet

this is the first ski top-sheet I have designed for a sweet new ski company Deviation  friends from LCC. Started a new ski company up in Oregon.  I think I may just have to get a board made :) There new website will be launching soon and hopefully the ski will be availible very soon.  keep ya'll up to date

*note  yes I did take the alien from scary ski to jump start this one.  so we could technically call this one scary part 2   but I think it took on a life of its own.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013


This is going on a pair of  "VICE" Ski's a super cool Utah based ski company.   Commissioned for my friend Peter.